Wednesday, October 29, 2008

SPEAKING III & V - Informational Speeches

Hello again,

I have received a few questions about the informational speeches. Many have requested the PowerPoint presentation sample that was used in class. Since I am unable to upload the exact presentation, here is a link to help guide you through the process of creating your speeches.

Best wishes and keep the questions coming :-)

(Copy and paste the following address into the address bar. A window will pop up asking you to save or open the file.)

SPEAKING III & V - Syllabus changes

Here are the changes to our class schedule as presented in class on Monday and Tuesday:

  1. No classes from November 3 - 14
  2. Classes resume on November 17
  3. Informational speeches should be 4-6 minutes in length
  4. You must have an introduction (with thesis statement), outline, and conclusion
  5. You must have note cards
  6. Resources must be cited in a bibliography (discussion on formatting in class on 17-18th)
  7. Be prepared to give your speech on Nov.24/25, Dec.1/2, and Dec. 8/9. You must attend these classes and be prepared to give your speeches on those dates.
  8. Attendance is mandatory and will be counted as a part of your grade through peer evaluations conducted in class on those dates.
  9. Final examinations will be held January 5-10 (Silent Week - No Reschedules)

Other updates regarding finals and informational speeches will be posted over the next few days. Please check for updates.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SPEAKING I - Rescheduling of Class

This message is for students in my Thursday morning class ONLY. Since there are so many who have not yet presented their information for the quiz, we will be meeting at 7:30am in the ILC on Tuesday (11/4) and Thursday (11/6) in order to try to get back on the schedule presented in the syllabus. Please make sure you attend these classes as I will take attendance for those days. Please continue to check this blog frequently for important information.

Take care!


SPEAKING III & V - Research websites (10/28/08)

Please be careful about the materials you choose to use as resources for your informational speech. There is quite a bit of nonsense on the internet that really has no basis in fact whatsoever. Please check with me regarding a website you want to use if it is not listed here. I will update this list as the requests come in and I have a chance to review the sites. (contains links to other websites - most of which are reliable)

Best wishes in your research!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hello My Dear Students,

Glad you could make it here to see what is going on with our classes. This is where I will update you with important information regarding your presentations and independent work. Please forgive me for not having completed this sooner. I am sure it would have made communication so much easier. Nevertheless, it is here now for us to use, and I hope that it will help you with your assignments.

This introductory blog has been blocked from reader comments, but I will open future posts for all of your questions and comments, especially regarding assignments and materials covered in class.

Best wishes on continued success in English!
