Saturday, December 6, 2008

Speaking I Classes - Assignment 12/4/08

Siskel and Ebert

These were two very famous Movie reviewers in the USA. There are Other
couples that review movies, cities, stores, toys, games, restaurants,
gardens, museums, and more. Basically, if there is an opinion that can
be made about it, a review can be conducted.

Your assignment is to create a presentation with a partner that gives
two opinions on the same product. You must review at least two
different items and have a dialog that discusses the products and your
opinions. This assignment is for two people per group only! You should
have the Boy/girl partner assigned from class.

The Assignment
The first portion of the review will present facts only. You must
describe and show either the item or a picture of the item you are
describing. Tell what the product is, the purpose, its function, or if
you are describing a movie, tell the plot, setting, and purpose of the
Then, you and your partner take turns describing your opinions of the product. Remember to use words and phrases like, ''I disagree

completely" or "I couldn't agree more."
·        This is to be a professional-style review. Be courteous while asserting your opinion. Speak slowly and clearly.
·        It should be a total of   5-7 minutes long for both reviews. Time yourselves while practicing.
·        You may use PowerPoint or other Multimedia materials, but it is not required.
·        Be creative. Use websites and sample clips from youtube to get some ideas on how to make your review a success.
Good Luck and see you next week!


  1. Good evening, Ms.Angela.
    I'm Dita from Speaking IA.

    You said that we must review at least two
    different items. If we want to review and compare two games, is that count as one or two things?
    Or we must choose two from eight categories (movies, cities, stores, toys, games, restaurants, gardens, museums, etc.)?

    Thank you.

  2. Heyy.. miss Angela ;)
    I'm Margareth or Margie from 5C..

    How about "White Christmas" for my topic??
    Is it okaY??
    Ow..please ;)
    hopefully it has not been chosen yet..

    Thank you, God Bless ;)
