Monday, December 22, 2008

Speaking III & V Final Exams and other notes

So, we will finish with our midterms this week. I stated earlier that I needed to have the videos before the 30th on my desk. Keep in mind that Thursday, Friday, and Monday are holidays. Therefore, by Wednesday of this week (December 23rd) you should have submitted them. Those not on my desk before the 30th or presentations not made before Christmas will receive a zero. You have had more than enough notice, so no excuses will be accepted. Keep in mind that these presentations were supposed to be made immediately following midterms and many of you were unprepared.

Students who need to present may do so on this Wednesday (12/24) between the hours of 7:30 - 11:00 am. As soon as I am able to find an open classroom, I will leave the room number on my desk in my office.

There will not be any classes for III or V on the 30th or 31st, but I will be in my office for questions regarding your final exam.

The final exam will be one-on-one style. You will be able to choose the topic and prepare a hand-written list of pros and cons to bring with you. Your class will be assigned a date and block of time in which you may choose a specific time for your exam. Only physician excused absences will be accepted. Keep in mind, I will be out of the country immediately following silent week and my level I finals (Jan. 13th & 14th). If you don't have a final exam before I leave, it's a zero.

As you begin to prepare your reasoning for both sides, keep in mind the laws and history behind the arguments. Whether or not you agree with a specific topic is irrelevant. Can you logically defend a point of view with supporting facts and justification? You will not be able to choose which side you will defend, so you must prepare both sides of the argument. One topic per person. Once a topic has been chosen, it is gone forever. I've decided that the best way to do this is to reply to this post with your desired topic. If it is published then that means that you are able to do that topic. If within one day your post has not been published, go back to this thread and check to see if someone else has taken the topic. Like I said - first come, first served.

You may find the topics here:

The schedule is as follows:

Monday, Jan.5
7:30am - 11:30 am - Speaking IIIB Regular
12:30 - 6:30pm - Speaking VB Diploma

Tuesday, Jan. 6
7:30am - 11:30 am - Speaking IIIA Regular
12:30 - 6:30pm - Speaking VA Diploma

Wednesday, Jan. 7
7:30am - 11:30 am - Speaking IIIB Non-Regular
12:30 - 6:30pm - Speaking VC Diploma

Thursday, Jan.8
7:30am - 11:30 am - Speaking IIIA Non-Regular
12:30 - 6:30pm - Speaking VA, VB, VC Diploma **
**(This sign-up sheet will not be posted until all previous slots Mon - Wed have been filled)

Friday, Jan. 9
7:30am - 11:30 am - Speaking III (all classes)
**(This sign-up sheet will not be posted until all previous slots Mon. - Thurs. have been filled)

By the way, do not expect to come to the exam without prior approval of your topic. I will close this blog on January 4th, so topics must be chosen before this date.

Friday, December 12, 2008

All Classes

My Dearest Students,

Please accept my deepest apologies for missing your classes, especially the ones that had been rescheduled. I realize that you also have many important things to do and I cannot express how sorry I am for any inconvenience my own difficulties have caused you. Please accept my apologies for having to alter the schedule; this is not typical for me, but this has not been a typical year either.

Again, my apologies.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Speaking I - Review Assignment

So, after today's class, I thought that my students in Speaking I might need a little more guidance for conducting a review. Visit the following websites and take a look at how the presenters interact with one another. Use props, pictures, video excerpts, etc. to help the audience follow along with the information that you are presenting.

These are only two of the websites out of the millions of websites available through the internet. Use them and model your own review off of them. Remember: You need visual aids to help you explain your product.

Keep in mind that these opportunities for presenting in class are chances for you to get feedback in order to improve your future speaking assignments. Pak Depe and I have discussed your final and have decided that we would like for this project to be an introduction to your final projects. So, it is in your best interest to put forth your best effort and make these presentations as phenomenal as possible.

Please make sure you are prepared for class. Best wishes!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Speaking I Classes - Assignment 12/4/08

Siskel and Ebert

These were two very famous Movie reviewers in the USA. There are Other
couples that review movies, cities, stores, toys, games, restaurants,
gardens, museums, and more. Basically, if there is an opinion that can
be made about it, a review can be conducted.

Your assignment is to create a presentation with a partner that gives
two opinions on the same product. You must review at least two
different items and have a dialog that discusses the products and your
opinions. This assignment is for two people per group only! You should
have the Boy/girl partner assigned from class.

The Assignment
The first portion of the review will present facts only. You must
describe and show either the item or a picture of the item you are
describing. Tell what the product is, the purpose, its function, or if
you are describing a movie, tell the plot, setting, and purpose of the
Then, you and your partner take turns describing your opinions of the product. Remember to use words and phrases like, ''I disagree

completely" or "I couldn't agree more."
·        This is to be a professional-style review. Be courteous while asserting your opinion. Speak slowly and clearly.
·        It should be a total of   5-7 minutes long for both reviews. Time yourselves while practicing.
·        You may use PowerPoint or other Multimedia materials, but it is not required.
·        Be creative. Use websites and sample clips from youtube to get some ideas on how to make your review a success.
Good Luck and see you next week!